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AMRO’s 3rd Anniversary: Building Professionalism, Independence and Credibility

Since the beginning of our journey as an international organization three years ago, we at the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) have always asked ourselves: What kind of organization do we want to become? With the mission of contributing to the region’s macroeconomic and financial stability, AMRO envisions itself as an independent, credible and professional regional organization that is capable of acting as a trusted policy advisor to ASEAN+3 members. In the past few years, we have worked tirelessly toward this vision.

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Embracing Hong Kong’s Transformation to a Digital Financial Center

Elsewhere, virtual banking and open data might sound like buzzwords, but in Hong Kong, they are becoming a reality. Hong Kong has embarked on a journey of digital transformation in the financial services sector to safeguard its role as a leading global financial center.

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