AMRO-BSP Joint Seminar: Asia’s Emergence in the New World Order: Growth, Integration, and Resilience
AMRO-BSP Joint Seminar: Asia’s Emergence in the New World Order: Growth, Integration, and Resilience
Thursday, May 3, 2018, 10:00AM – 12:30PM
The AMRO-BSP Joint Seminar on the theme “Asia’s Emergence in the New World Order: Growth, Integration, and Resilience” will be held on May 3, 2018 in Manila, the Philippines.
The seminar will discuss how economies in the ASEAN+3 region have developed into one of the most dynamic regions in the global economy while remaining open to trade and investment flows. The challenge for policymakers is to adopt appropriate policies so as to enable their economies to grow and develop in the face of near-term challenges such as trade protectionism, and longer-term structural challenges of technology and ageing populations. In this regard, the region’s increasing economic integration and connectivity will create new opportunities for regional growth and development, increasing the region’s resilience against external shocks.
At the seminar, AMRO will present key findings of its flagship report, the ASEAN+3 Regional Economic Outlook (AREO) 2018 to set the context for the discussion. Prominent speakers and participants, who include ASEAN+3 policymakers and renowned academics, will be invited to share their insights and exchange views from various perspectives. The seminar will provide an opportunity to understand better these emerging challenges and benefits from new opportunities in the new world order.
The event will invite ASEAN+3 decision-makers, and will be open to other participants and media.