5th Joint Regional Financing Arrangements Research Seminar
5th Joint Regional Financing Arrangements Research Seminar
Friday, September 24, 2021, 19:30 SGT
Contact: rfaseminar@esm.europa.euThe 5th Joint Regional Financing Arrangements Research Seminar will be held virtually on September 24, 2021; organized by AMRO, European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR), in partnership with the Italian G20 Presidency. This year’s seminar will focus on “debt and growth in the post-pandemic world”. The event brings together academics and experts from national, regional, and international organizations as well the private sector to discuss (1) the implications of fiscal burdens on emerging markets and low-income countries, and (2) post COVID-19 growth model.
Gelsomina Vigliotti
Director General for International Financial Relations, Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance

Gelsomina Vigliotti
Director General for International Financial Relations, Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance
Anna Gelpern
Anne Fleming Research Professor, Georgetown Law and Senior Fellow at the Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics

Anna Gelpern
Anne Fleming Research Professor, Georgetown Law and Senior Fellow at the Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics
Joyce Chang
Managing Director and Chair, Global Research, JP Morgan (chair)

Joyce Chang
Managing Director and Chair, Global Research, JP Morgan (chair)
Emre Tiftik
Director of Sustainability Research, Institute of International Finance

Emre Tiftik
Director of Sustainability Research, Institute of International Finance
James McCormack
Managing Director and Global Head of Sovereign & Supranational Ratings, Fitch Ratings

James McCormack
Managing Director and Global Head of Sovereign & Supranational Ratings, Fitch Ratings
Jeromin Zettelmeyer
Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy, and Review Department, International Monetary Fund

Jeromin Zettelmeyer
Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy, and Review Department, International Monetary Fund
William Roos
Assistant Secretary for Multilateral Affairs, Development and Trade, French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery, G20 International Financial Architecture (IFA) Working Group French cochair, Paris Club co-chair

William Roos
Assistant Secretary for Multilateral Affairs, Development and Trade, French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery, G20 International Financial Architecture (IFA) Working Group French cochair, Paris Club co-chair
Luiz de Mello
Director of the Policy Studies Branch, Economics Department, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Luiz de Mello
Director of the Policy Studies Branch, Economics Department, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Andrés Velasco
Dean School of Public Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science (chair)

Andrés Velasco
Dean School of Public Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science (chair)
Danny Alexander
Vice-President, Policy and Strategy, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Danny Alexander
Vice-President, Policy and Strategy, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Jesús Bejarano
Deputy Finance Minister, Colombia

Jesús Bejarano
Deputy Finance Minister, Colombia
Philip Lane
Executive Board Member, European Central Bank

Philip Lane
Executive Board Member, European Central Bank
Byungsik Jung
Deputy Director General, Ministry of Economy and Finance, and G20 IFA Working Group Korean co-chair

Byungsik Jung
Deputy Director General, Ministry of Economy and Finance, and G20 IFA Working Group Korean co-chair