Local Currency Contribution to the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation

The Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM) has been designed to provide U.S. dollar liquidity support in response to urgent short-term liquidity difficulties and/ or balance of payments difficulties experienced by any ASEAN+3 member.

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AMRO and Ministry of Strategy and Finance of Korea Sign the Agreement on the Korea Technical Assistance Trust Fund

Mr Yoon Kyung Kim, Deputy Director-General, International Finance Bureau, Ministry of Strategy and Finance of the Republic of Korea and Dr Chang Junhong, Director of AMRO, signed the contribution agreement of USD 100,000 on establishing the Republic of KoreaAMRO Technical Assistance Trust Fund (“the Fund”) in Sejong City, on 12 July 2016

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AMRO and Ministry of Finance of China Sign the Agreement on the China Technical Assistance Trust Fund

Mr Shi Yaobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Republic of China and Dr Chang Junhong, Director of AMRO, signed the contribution agreement of USD 3 million on establishing the People’s Republic of China Technical Assistance Trust Fund (“the Fund”) at AMRO in Beijing, on 29 June 2016.

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