AMRO-IMF Joint Seminar on Building Capacity and Connectivity and Trade, Investment and Integration in the ASEAN+3 Region

The ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) held the 6th AMRO-IMF Joint Seminar today. This seminar takes place annually, and serves as a useful platform for AMRO to consult with its stakeholders on its surveillance work, particularly studies on longer-term structural issues facing the region, as well as deepen its engagement with the IMF.

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China Reform and Economic Integration with ASEAN

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, China has achieved remarkable economic development and it has had profound and significant impact on ASEAN. Going forward, enhanced cooperation based on good understanding of each other’s needs, strengths, capacities and priorities will help deepen regional integration and boost mutual benefits.

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AMRO-ISEAS Joint Seminar: 40 Years of China’s Reforms and Implications for ASEAN

Over the past 40 years, China’s reform and opening-up has led to leapfrogging economic development and the expansion of the country’s role at the regional and global levels, as shown by the close economic ties with its neighbours.

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Experts Discuss China’s Reform and Opening-up and Implications for ASEAN

In the past four decades, China has undertaken major reforms, which have led to rapid growth and a strong leadership position in the international economic environment, yet several challenges remain to be tackled to ensure sustainability of the outcomes.

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