Enhancing the ASEAN+3 Regional Financial Safety Net against Crisis

During his presentation for the UNESCAP Virtual Expert Group Meeting held on November 18, AMRO Deputy Director Mr. Wenxing Pan highlighted the recent COVID-19 developments in the ASEAN+3 region, as well as the amendments to the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation to strengthen the region’s financial safety net.

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Boosting ASEAN+3’s Economic Resilience and Recovery During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cast a long, dark, and uncertain shadow over the outlook for global growth. Deeply plugged into the global value chain, the ASEAN+3 region, comprising the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus China, Japan, and Korea, has been severely affected. Currently, the region is projected to record negative growth in 2020, a large fall compared to the average growth of around 5% over the past few years.

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Speech by AMRO Director Mr. Toshinori Doi at 2019 AFCA Financial Summit Forum in Bangkok

AMRO Director Toshinori Doi speaks at AFCA 2019 Financial Summit Forum in Bangkok. Speech by AMRO Director Mr. Toshinori Doi Asian Financial Cooperation Association’s 2019 Financial Summit Forum Bangkok, October…

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Enhancing Regional and Global Financial Stability through ASEAN+3 Financial Cooperation

Under the background of a complex and rapidly-changing regional and international financial situation, East Asian countries plays an increasingly important role in maintaining regional and global financial stability through their financial cooperation. This was highlighted at the inaugural Jakarta Forum on ASEAN-China Relations held on March 4, 2019.

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