Higher Vaccination Rate, Continued Fiscal Support, and Structural Reforms Crucial for Indonesia’s Sustainable Recovery

Indonesian economy has regained traction and is on track to a firm recovery as a result of the government’s effective containment of the Delta variant outbreak and ongoing policy supports, amid strong external demand.

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Faster Vaccination and Targeted Fiscal Support are Needed to Secure Cambodia’s Economic Recovery

SINGAPORE, November 22, 2021 – As Cambodia continues to grapple with the pandemic, economic recovery in 2021 is expected to be moderate at 2.8 percent, marked by uneven growth across…

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Japan Should Maintain Supportive Macroeconomic Policies and Quicken Structural Reforms

Japan’s economy should recover moderately after being severely battered by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the economy reopens gradually, higher domestic spending from pent-up demand should lead to a rebound in growth.

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Brunei’s Economy Expected to Recover Moderately Supported by Effective Containment Measures and Higher Oil Prices [1]

Brunei Darussalam’s economy is expected to recover moderately in 2021, after slower but still positive growth last year amid the global economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Korea’s Strong Export-led Recovery Supported by Large Fiscal Stimulus and Well-targeted Containment Measures

The Korean economy continues its strong rebound in 2021 led by a strong global recovery and robust demand for electronics, autos and other manufactured products.

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