ASEAN+3’s and Singapore’s Economic Outlook 2020: Is the Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

Amid strong headwinds stemming from the prolonged U.S.-China trade tensions and a global slowdown, the ASEAN+3 region and Singapore remain resilient, supported by strong economic fundamentals and buffers as well as a regional financial safety net.

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Myanmar: Steadfast Implementation of Structural and Institutional Reforms Critical to Sustainable Growth

Myanmar’s economy has picked up in FY18/19 after slowing down during the six-month transition in FY18, supported by an improvement in business sentiment amid renewed reform momentum.

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Korea: Expansionary Fiscal and Monetary Policies Needed to Support the Economy amid Heightened External Uncertainties

AMRO mission team, consisting of AMRO Director Mr. Toshinori Doi (fifth from right), AMRO Chief Economist Dr. Hoe Ee Khor (seventh from left), and lead economist Dr. Sumio Ishikawa (fourth…

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Cambodia: Accelerating Structural Reforms and Infrastructure Development is Essential to Maintaining High Growth Potential

Cambodia’s economy is expected to continue its strong performance amidst rising external headwinds, according to the preliminary assessment by the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) after its Annual Consultation Visit to the country from September 10 to 18, 2019.

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