ASEAN+3 Should Leverage on Complementarities and Embrace Technology to Sustain Growth in the New Economy

ASEAN+3 economies, after two decades of prospering with the “manufacturing-for-exports” strategy, should now focus on building capacity and connectivity to leverage on the Fourth Industrial Revolution in order to sustain growth in the new economy.

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Opening Remarks by AMRO Director Dr Junhong Chang: Building Capacity and Connectivity for the New Economy in East Asia

“Building Capacity and Connectivity for the New Economy in East Asia” Seminar Nadi, Fiji 1 May 2019 (As prepared for delivery) Distinguished guests, panellists, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen 1. Good…

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AMRO-IMF Joint Seminar on Building Capacity and Connectivity and Trade, Investment and Integration in the ASEAN+3 Region

The ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) held the 6th AMRO-IMF Joint Seminar today. This seminar takes place annually, and serves as a useful platform for AMRO to consult with its stakeholders on its surveillance work, particularly studies on longer-term structural issues facing the region, as well as deepen its engagement with the IMF.

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Enhance Economic Diversification and Connectivity to Sustain Growth Momentum in the ASEAN+3 Region

The ASEAN+3 region is growing strongly, and economies in the region should develop multiple engines of growth, including the services sector, to build resilience and sustain growth. This was highlighted by speakers at a seminar held in Shanghai today by the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO), the First Financial and Economic Research Institute, and Fudan University.

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Boosting Technology and Connectivity to Develop the Travel and Tourism Sector in East Asia

The ASEAN+3 region is in a sweet spot for tourism. Globally, the trends are favourable for tourism with a rapidly rising middle class, improved connectivity, and shifting consumer preferences towards customized services and fresh experiences.

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