China’s Continued Reform Efforts Coupled With Strengthened Ties With East Asia to Enhance Shared Benefits

China’s major reforms and opening-up to international trade and investment have transformed the country from a low-income to an upper-middle income status, but more efforts are needed as the country aspires to move towards a modern economy.

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Welcome Remarks by AMRO Director: 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-up: Progress, Prospects and Impacts on the East Asian Region

Also available in Chinese (As prepared for delivery) Minister of Finance of China Mr Kun Liu, Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China Mr Yulu Chen Distinguished guests, Ladies…

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China’s Reform and Opening-Up: Experiences, Prospects, and Implications for ASEAN

Driven by strong and persistent efforts on reform and opening-up over the past 40 years (1978-2018), China has upgraded itself from a low-income to an upper-middle income country, and is poised to reach high-income status in the coming years.

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Key Messages of AMRO Staff Working Paper: China’s Reform and Opening-Up: Experiences, Prospects and Implications for ASEAN

Over the past four decades (1978-2018), China has transformed itself from a low-income to an upper-middle income country, with an average annual GDP growth of 9.5 percent and a per capita income that has leapfrogged many other emerging economies’ from USD156 to USD8,827.

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Welcome Remarks by Dr Junhong Chang, AMRO Director AMRO-ADB-BI High-Level Policy Dialogue in Bali, Indonesia on October 11, 2018

Welcome Remarks by Dr Junhong Chang, AMRO Director AMRO-ADB-BI High-Level Policy Dialogue “Regional Cooperation to Support Innovation, Inclusion and Stability in Asia” 11 October 2018, Bali, Indonesia (As prepared for…

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Asia Needs a Region-wide Approach to Harness Fintech’s Full Potential

Asia’s policy makers should strengthen cooperation to harness the potential of new financial technologies for inclusive growth. At the same time, they should work together to ensure they can respond better to the challenges posed by fintech.

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Regional Financing Arrangements Exchange Experience and Strengthen Collaboration to Better Support Member Economies

Today, heads of regional financing arrangements (RFAs) around the globe convened at the 3rd High-level RFA Dialogue in Bali, Indonesia, to discuss new developments in their institutions and respective regions, and cooperation among RFAs and between RFAs and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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