East Asia: Digital Economy Poised to Be the New Driver of Development

The ASEAN+3 region is eager to adopt new technology and embrace the digital revolution, which will help regional economies progress in their development paths. This was highlighted by a discussion panel at the seminar on “Building Capacity and Connectivity for the New Economy” co-organized by the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) and Malaysian Economic Association (MEA) in Kuala Lumpur on August 6, 2019. This seminar is part of AMRO’s outreach program to introduce key findings of its flagship report, the ASEAN+3 Regional Economic Outlook (AREO) 2019, which was published in early May. It attracted an audience of 120 participants from both the public and private sectors, and the media.

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Malaysia: Economy Remains Resilient Despite External Headwinds and Fiscal Constraints

Malaysia’s economy remains resilient despite the ongoing fiscal consolidation and various external headwinds such as the slowdown of the global electronics cycle, lower crude oil prices, and the U.S.-China trade tension.

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Malaysia: Stronger Growth Expands Space to Strengthen Fiscal and External Buffers

Malaysia’s economic growth is expected to strengthen to around 5 percent in 2017 and inflation to moderate after peaking in March, according to the preliminary assessment by the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) after its Annual Consultation Visit to the country from July 10 to 14, 2017.

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