Japanese Life Insurers to Navigate a Post-COVID 19 Reality

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For many investors, the market turmoil triggered by the COVID pandemic in March was one of the worst in their lifetime. A crash in the US stock market, a sharp plunge in US Treasuries, and a massive selloff across the globe had played havoc with market confidence. The global financial markets only started to stabilize after major central banks, including the Bank of Japan, led global efforts in unveiling their asset purchase programs and lending facilities of unprecedented scale. Like many other investors, portfolio managers of the Japanese life insurers were left with a bittersweet moment.

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Japan: Supportive Macroeconomic Policies and Structural Reforms Needed to Cope with External Risks and Long-term Challenges

Despite continued weakness in exports amid a global slowdown, the Japanese economy has remained resilient, underpinned by sustained domestic demand, according to the 2019 Annual Consultation Report on Japan published by the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) today.

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Can Foreign Workers be the Key to Unlock Japan’s Labor Shortages?

As one of the most aged societies in the world with a shrinking labor force, Japan has been struggling to meet the demand for more workers. Last year, the government took the unprecedented measure to open the door for more foreign workers in order to mitigate the labor shortages in the economy.

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