Attracting Funding to Hong Kong Fintech Sector

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Investment in the fintech sector globally has risen, but so has competition for funding. Recent initiatives, such as the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s (HKMA) Fintech 2025 strategy, will strengthen fintech’s role as Hong Kong’s next growth engine, but the city can do more to help its fintech sector compete with other fintech hubs in attracting funding.

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AMRO’s 2021 Annual Consultation Report on Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong’s economy has been rebounding strongly due to the progress in COVID-19 vaccinations, and recovering domestic and external demand, but targeted policy support to hard-hit sectors and supportive credit conditions remain important to safeguard the recovery.

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Bolstering Broad-based Economic Recovery and Addressing Long-term Challenges in Hong Kong, China [1]

Hong Kong’s economy remains resilient, buttressed by ample fiscal and foreign reserves, and strong banking system capital buffers. The economy is expected to rebound in 2021 on the back of recovering private consumption and strong global demand.

Continue ReadingBolstering Broad-based Economic Recovery and Addressing Long-term Challenges in Hong Kong, China [1]